5 Simple Apps to Start Making

5 Simple Apps to Make with Unity

Creating simple apps using Unity is a great way to showcase your talent as a C# programmer. It allows you to demonstrate your ability to work with a powerful and versatile tool, create visually engaging and interactive experiences and gain experience working with multiple platforms.

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A Look Into the Billion Dollar Game Industry

A Look Into the Billion Dollar Game Industry

Video games have been around for over half a century. They hit a major stride in the early 80s and have yet to fall out of style. It’s safe to say they won’t be any time soon either. If you’ve been a fan of video games—whether casual or avid—long enough you’ve probably noticed how much pricier technology has gotten every new console or graphics card iteration. Virtual reality, augmented reality, and extended reality games and hardware have become more prominent in the gaming world. Even without economic factors like inflation, prices have risen thanks to the sheer amount of work put into improving the video game world.
And the game industry has never been as fruitful as it is now.

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How Much Can You Earn as a Unity Developer?

How Much Can You Earn as a Unity Developer?

Game developers using any game engine make an average salary of over ninety-eight thousand dollars per year—that’s around forty-seven dollars per hour—according to ZipRecruiter. It’s no surprise that the gaming industry provides several opportunities to professionals; as of 2022 the gaming industry is worth over $300 billion.

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